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Understanding Defensive Driving

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Checking your mirrors often ensures you are aware of your surroundings.
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You may have before heard the term “defensive driving,” but do you really know what it means? Defensive driving is a driving technique in which you prepare yourself as the driver for any hazard, whether that be in the form of other drivers, road issues, weather issues, or really anything else that could randomly arise while driving. It allows you to stay cautious, aware, and attentive when on the road. It is most often suggested as a driving technique due to the fact that it helps you and others stay safe on the road.

What exactly does defensive driving entail?

Being a defensive driver means always being attentive. This includes a variety of things, anywhere from having a firm grip on the wheel to staying up to date on the weather you are expected to experience on the road. Remaining attentive and defensive will allow you to have better reaction times to hazards on the road. Defensive drivers can brake faster, move out of the way quicker, and simply driver safer.

What benefits come from defensive driving?

Most obviously, defensive driving brings along higher safety. However, that is not the only benefit you get from being a defensive driver. Additionally, you are less likely to receive a driving violation, you can driver better in bad weather, you keep your vehicle in better condition, you can save on fuel, you reduce your own stress levels, and you even have the possibility to qualify for discounts on select car insurance policies.

How can I be sure I am driving defensively?

There are a few key parts of defensive driving. The first big one is remaining patient. When you remain patient with your driving, and avoid speeding, you are able to reduce the number of accidents that you may find yourself in. Additionally, keeping a safe distance allows you to drive defensively. Tailgating, or following very closely behind the car in front of you, is a form of aggressive driving and it increases your risk of an accident. Having a cushion of space ahead of you on the road creates more room for safe reaction. Another part of defensive driving is passing safely. For example, when you avoid cutting cars off or passing too close behind, you merge the proper way. Lastly, keep an eye on your mirrors. Checking your side mirrors and your rearview mirror in a quick gland frequently allows you to stay aware of your surroundings on the road.

Overall, when you follow the guidelines of defensive driving, you make the road a safer place to be for everyone.

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