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Prepare for Halloween With These Safety Tips

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Have a happy and safe Halloween!
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With Halloween falling on a Tuesday this year, tomorrow to be specific, some Halloween traditions might look a little different. It is likely that trick-or-treating will be a bit different than usual since it is a school night, with less kids filling the streets. However, trick-or-treating will still definitely be happening, and some classic Halloween endeavors will still go on. This means that proper precautions still need to be taken when it comes to trick-or-treating, enjoying the candy obtained from the trick-or-treating, and even costuming. Here are some safety tips we recommend following for your child’s Halloween this year!

Pay Attention to Where You Walk

If you and your kids plan to be out trick-or-treating this year, you will want to make sure you pay attention when walking. Do all of the typical walking precautions, like looking both ways when crossing the street. Also, pay attention to street signs and make sure you know where you are going so you know how to get back home. And as the biggest precaution, pay attention to cars! Even though it falls on a Tuesday, people love to drink on Halloween and unfortunately drive often too. Make sure you watch out for any cars driving dangerously when you and your family are walking the streets.

Check Halloween Candy

Sometimes people think that tampering with candy is just a superstition, but it is a real danger. Every year, people think of more and more ways to tamper with candy, creating a new danger annually. When getting home, it is important to always go through the candy with your child to make sure it all looks safe. If any candy is open or looks like it was opened and resealed, it is best to get rid of it. Sometimes candy opens in trick-or-treat bags, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Also, it is in your best interest to throw out anything that looks homemade. Unfortunately, in this day and age, you can never be too cautious.

Dress Up Safely

We are never ones to say what is or is not appropriate for you or your child to wear for Halloween, as that is all at your discretion. But there are still some suggestions we have for safe costuming. Since trick-or-treating is at night, we suggest face painting rather than a mask, so that vision is not limited. With that being said, make sure the face paint is actually facial skin safe. We also suggest adding reflective tape in some places of your child’s costume to make them more visible.

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