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9-Year-Old Trafficking Victim Rescued in San Antonio

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SAN ANTONIO, TX – A human trafficking case involving a 9-year-old boy has ended in San Antonio. An arrest was made charging a woman and two men. The young boy is from Mexico but was rescued in San Antonio

The woman has been identified as 26-year-old Elida Kassandra Moreno. Although Moreno is a U.S. citizen, she lived in Piedras Negras, Mexico. According to federal investigators, Moreno used her son’s birth certificate to smuggle the boy into the country. However, she was later arrested.

Woman became involved in trafficking scheme through a friend of a friend.

Furthermore, Moreno told authorities that she was paid by a friend’s neighbor to bring the young boy to San Antonio. Also adding that the 9-year-old would be with family members. Moreno was also instructed to bring the child to a man in Milam Park who would then give her $2,500.

However, upon arrival a struggle between Nery Uriostegui Dominguez and the police ensued. He was quickly apprehended, and therefore the transaction was never made.

Next, Moreno took the boy to a Love’s Travel Stop on IH 35 to meet Victor Manuel Monsivais. The 65-year-old man is Moreno’s neighbor’s father.

However, a sting operation was already put into play by Homeland Security. An arrangement was made to pick up the boy on S.E. Military Drive at Goliad Road at an HEB parking lot. But, once Monsivais arrived with the child, he was arrested.

Moreover, Moreno is charged with trafficking an illegal immigrant into the country for monetary gain. She is also charged with lying to a federal official. Moreno, Monsivais and Dominguez have also been charged separately with conspiracy to transport an illegal minor as well.

Still, there are no details on whether the boy will be able to remain in San Antonio or return to Mexico.

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